Health disparities in the Hispanic population

Digital Patient journeys is an opportunity 

to advance Health Equity

Health barriers driven by social determinants of health (SDOH) have worsened chronic disease management for patients dealing with chronic conditions, such as hypertension, diabetes, obesity, COPD, etc. A  Mayo Clinic study detected 2 health barriers implies 50% probability of patient with uncontrolled hypertension.

Spanish-speaking Americans receive one-third less care  (based on spending) as compared to patients whose primary language is English. Hispanics are the largest, youngest, and fastest-growing minority (52% of all U.S. population) in the United States. In California, Hispanics represents 40% population and 11 million are Spanish speakers.

Surprisingly contrary to certain English-Speaking patients, Spanish-speaking patients were more willing to use electronic tools, and alternative care services including remote monitoring, telehealth and ePRO reporting for improving communication barriers with the care team.

José María Millán

Aug 17, 2022

Problem to solve

Helping providers and patients to minimize the health disparity of the Hispanic population 

Prevy approach is based on a new model of integrated digital care: Virtual Care technology, Digital Care Planning, Clinical Decision Support, Interoperability and AI

Evolution toward digitally-enable care model

The digitization of patient journeys culturally and linguistically adapted to the Hispanic population will reduce health disparities and patient experience in the US Hispanic population. 

Better patient engagement and education are needed to improve adherence to chronic disease management, especially for patients with health barriers. 

Digital patient journeys are a critical opportunity to apply language and culturally appropriate health policies that support health equity, health care quality, and efficiency

Patients can improve their chronic care self-management when they know more about their chronic illnesses.

Automation and standardization of care

Digital patient journeys adapted to US Hispanic population are a critical opportunity to allow the creation of digital data assets on aspects of health, behavior, health outcomes that allow the creation of future predictive algorithms.

Specification of Patient journeys artifacts (culturally and linguistically adapted, to the Hispanic population) based on Patient-Centered Clinical Decision Support system helps to providers and patients to implement successful RPM programs avoiding health disparities. (

Digital  distribution that allow continuous digital monitoring of patients with multiple touchpoints between visits.

Digital Health gaps in RPM 

Advances in remote patient monitoring have unlocked new patient care strategies, including hospital-at-home programs and digital chronic care management. Providers can have access to different  types of data such as data from clinical and fitness devices or Patient Reported Outcomes based on digital assessments.

As RPM use for chronic disease care increases, providers must be mindful of health equity. Often, the populations that could benefit most from RPM-enabled chronic care are the ones that have difficulties accessing it. In every implementation process aspects such as Digital health literacy and language have to be addressed. 

Additionally, to successfully employ RPM in chronic disease management and prevention, the collected data needs to be presented to clinicians and patients in an actionable manner. Clinical Decision support systems can offer recommendations to clinicians and patients based on Patient Generated Data.

How about your organization? Have you implemented a virtual care program for hypertension patients? What has worked? What didn't? 

Please reach out to discuss further or book some time to chat about your experience here.